Our Services
SINSPEC offers you the widest and most comprehensive range of professional services.
On-Hire and Off-Hire inspection of Leased Equipment
- Every step of our On-Hire and Off-Hire inspection is carried out meticulously in order to protect your interests.
- At On-Hire, our inspection system captures various details including the exact location, component and damage type, and stores them in a comprehensive database.
- At Off-Hire, our inspectors are able to retrieve On-Hire details so that damages sustained prior to On-Hire will not be approved in the repair estimate. You will not have to pay what you have not incurred.
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In-Service Maintenance and Repairs
- We offer detailed pre and post repair inspection services to ensure that your equipment quality standards are strictly adhered to.
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Production Inspections
- We understand that containers are built to last a long time. Our inspection services at the factory site ensures a level of quality control essential to the longevity of your containers.
- We have developed a thorough system of inspections that cover the entire process, from material checks, surface preparation for painting, general assembly and finishing to final acceptance. Our system is so complete that even factories have adopted it.
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Container M&R Coverage Pte. Ltd. (CMRC)
- A subsidiary of SINSPEC, CMRC utilises state-of-the-art computerised procedures detailing the repair cycle of your containers throughout the transportation process. This ensures your dollars go towards relevant repair work with the shortest 'downtime'.
- CMRC has established global inspection standards and offers you more efficient control over the M&R of your containers and lowers your overall costs. This enables you to focus on your core marine logistic business.
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SeaOnline is another SINSPEC's subsidiary company, providing a gateway to a global interactive network solution to marine container operations. More information on SeaOnline can be accessed at SeaOnline.net. In essence, SeaOnline provides:
- A secured international data exchange platform
- Enhanced operational efficiency
- Costs savings
- Comprehensive database with digital photos
- Interactive network
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